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Archive for the ‘world view’ Category

They work for you…

by Jackie Porter on 5 December, 2018

I recommend receiving a regular update from the service:  ‘They work for you’. It keeps you informed dispassionately and honestly about the views of your MP. This is an extract of today’s email, describing how our MP actually voted on the crucial day that Government was defeated three times:- (i.e. as Mrs May would like) […]

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Heathrow result ‘disappointing yet predictable’

by Jackie Porter on 26 June, 2018

Vince Cable: Heathrow result ‘disappointing yet predictable’ Responding to the House of Commons vote in favour of Heathrow expansion, Leader of the Liberal Democrats Vince Cable said: “This result is disappointing yet predictable. But how is Heathrow is going to deliver the expansion? There are big questions over financing of both the company and the […]

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Responding to the Prime Minister’s announcement this afternoon that she will publish an LGBT Action Plan in the summer, Liberal Democrat Education Spokesperson Layla Moran said: “The Prime Minister says she wants the UK to be a world leader in LGBT+ rights, but this can’t be achieved unless she stands up to her DUP puppet […]

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Lib Dems secure major victory in ban on cold-calling As the Financial Guidance and Claims Bill returns to the House of Commons today, the Liberal Democrats have secured a significant victory following the government’s acceptance of crucial amendments tabled by Liberal Democrats peers in the House of Lords. Led by Lord Sharkey, the Liberal Democrats […]

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Winchester – Managing Crowded Places In a bid to reduce the risks associated with terrorism, Chief Inspector Claire Taylor has advised that Hampshire and Thames Valley Constabularies have agreed that high visible patrols by officers who have been tasked with ‘denying, detecting and deterring’ risk should be deployed in crowded places, iconic bridges and night […]

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Many people have contacted me to ask my opinion and seek my support of the aims of Compassion in World Farming. This is my reply… Thank you for bringing the Good Food Act and the aims of Compassion in World Farming to my attention. This is important to me too. We have a field and […]

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€10bn Space Snub

by Jackie Porter on 13 April, 2017

News that British firms will be excluded from €10bn of space sector contracts even before it leaves the EU, the Liberal Democrats have said the blame lies squarely with Theresa May. Liberal Democrat Foreign Affairs spokesperson Tom Brake MP said: “A day after the Chancellor made a pitch to high tech entrepreneurs to stay in […]

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Following news that wages fell behind inflation in February, Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron has said that the government can no longer deny that British workers are in the grip of a growing Brexit incomes squeeze. Tim Farron said: “Workers are now suffering a real fall in living standards. This is not a claim, it […]

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World Mental Health Day today 10th October

by Jackie Porter on 10 October, 2016

Tragically, in the week following the West Hants CCG AGM, with Dr Lesley Ayling describing how much emphasis they wanted to put on tackling mental health issues in children, three, -yes THREE- parents contacted me with children in the grips of mental health problems. We must get a grip on this dreadful problem in our […]

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Should we be voting to carry out airstrikes in Syria?

by Jackie Porter on 18 November, 2015

Should we be joining air strikes over Syria? If I were voting as your MP in the UK Parliament, I would not be supporting this proposal.Becoming yet another country bombing from the air doesn’t solve anything. It just makes us feel better- but it won’t make us safer. I have just listened to an extremely […]

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