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Archive for the ‘Manifesto 2017’ Category

A report published by The King’s Fund has shown that 61% of people support tax rises to increase NHS funding, an increase of 21% since 2014. Based on data from the British Social Attitudes Survey, the report ‘Does the public see tax rises as the answer to NHS funding pressures?’ also shows that 86% of […]

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Fox comments show cabinet in ”state of civil war” says Cable Liberal Democrat leader Vince Cable has said seized on remarks by Liam Fox that there is no cabinet consensus on the need for a three-year transitional deal, which contradict assurances from the Chancellor Philip Hammond that the cabinet is in agreement. Vince Cable said: […]

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Tories look to U-turn on Free Schools Jackie says, ‘After a manifesto that promised the world,  voters should look carefully at their promise and the reality. Voters made their decisions based on the manifesto. The lib Dem manifesto was carefully costed, but it appears the Conservative manifesto was based on nothing at all.’ In response […]

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General Election Results 2017

by Jackie Porter on 9 June, 2017

The 2017 Election Result was as follows: Steve BRINE – The Conservative Party Candidate (Steve Brine) 29,729 Mark CHALONER – Labour Party (Mark Chaloner) 6,007 Martin LYON – UK Independence Party (UKIP) (Martin Lyon) 695 Jackie PORTER – Liberal Democrats (Jackie Porter) 19,730 Teresa SKELTON – The Justice & Anti-Corruption Party (Website of Justice & […]

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A report by the Nuffield Trust has found the NHS could face a bill of almost half a billion pounds if retired British people currently living in other EU countries decide to return to the UK because their access to healthcare abroad is withdrawn after Brexit. The report also calculates that care homes and home-care […]

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In a recent Friends of the Earth email looking at environmental credentials laid out within the manifestos, the Lib Dems scored highly with 28 (only the Greens had more on 30 points, Conservatives 11 points) You can see more here:- I am pleased-but not surprised. We are naturally concerned about our environment and see ourselves […]

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Scrapping free school lunches would waste over £3m spent upgrading kitchens in Hampshire Plans by Theresa May to axe free school lunches would waste the £3.055.m given by Government to be invested in Hampshire to upgrade school kitchens, according to the Liberal Democrats. It comes after figures revealed that over 34000 children in the county are set to lose out under the […]

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New NICE Guidelines published The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has published a revised guideline on eating disorders. This has been informed by new evidence and research carried out since the last guideline was published in 2004. The guideline stresses the need for immediate referral, condemns use of physical measurements as the only […]

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Many people have contacted me to ask my opinion and seek my support of the aims of Compassion in World Farming. This is my reply… Thank you for bringing the Good Food Act and the aims of Compassion in World Farming to my attention. This is important to me too. We have a field and […]

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Lib Dem Manifesto for General Election 2017

by Jackie Porter on 17 May, 2017

You can see our manifesto ‘at a glance’ on this link For a fuller description go to and choose ‘manifesto’

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