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Archive for the ‘Environment’ Category

New Year… New Leaf – a new website

by Jackie Porter on 11 January, 2020

This response to the Stage 2 Consultation does not require the simple matter of an objection or support: the consultation invites response.  As the County Councillor for the division covering Sutton Scotney and nearby communities in the north of Winchester district, there are a number of points I wish to make and information I need to […]

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There is a proposal to build an industrial incinerator/energy from waste plant at Barton Stacey. There is no planning application yet. As a National Infrastructure Project, it will be managed by the Govt Planning Inspectorate, but HCC will be a consultee. I understand it is likely to be proposed as an application late 2019/early 2020, […]

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The county have planned to put in an island at the Petrol Station- but I can’t get a written commitment to improve the drainage or create a path direct to the PO site. So- if this isn’t done- it just won’t be good enough. I have created a film of the problems. watch a crossing […]

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Is Michael Gove going back on his promises to farmers?

by Jackie Porter on 3 January, 2019

All Gove is offering farmers is uncertainty Responding to Michael Gove’s speech to the Oxford Farming Conference, Liberal Democrat MP Alistair Carmichael said:  “Mr Gove is still not listening to any experts while it is clear he has forgotten the assurances he and his cronies gave the farming community during the referendum. Farmers have certainly […]

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There is a Facebook campaign to stop the renewal licence allowing Bakkavor (industrial salad washing plant) dumping their factory’s daily TRADE EFFLUENT containing a cocktail of powerful chlorinated chemicals into the head waters of the River Itchen. But I would like you to look at the application- and if like me, you object, please write […]

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M3 junction 9 proposals now online…

by Jackie Porter on 9 January, 2018

The M3 Junction 9 proposals are open for public consultation. Today, councillors were shown the first details… The timeline is Public consultation- until Feb 19th 2018 Planning application by mid 2019 Consultation of preferred route mid 2019 Govt confirm whether to give consent 2020 Construction will commence June 2021 New junction open Autumn 2023 You […]

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I have been out and about with the local Highways Engineer. We have a regular programme of meet ups, usually every few months. We talk frankly about the works needed, balancing need, budget and safety. It’s a good time to do this one, just at the end of the ‘old regime’ with Amey’s contract and just […]

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WCC has announced the Publication of draft Traveller Development Plan for consultation From their website: Following completion of the options consultation in May, to which over 100 comments were received, the Council has considered the responses together with the accommodation needs assessment and initial site assessments, undertaken by Opinion Research Services (ORS) and Peter Brett […]

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Winchester – Managing Crowded Places In a bid to reduce the risks associated with terrorism, Chief Inspector Claire Taylor has advised that Hampshire and Thames Valley Constabularies have agreed that high visible patrols by officers who have been tasked with ‘denying, detecting and deterring’ risk should be deployed in crowded places, iconic bridges and night […]

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