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Archive for the ‘housing’ Category

After a considerable amount of discussion about the size of the homes on this site, there has now been a sale of this site to a developer. In my mind, this was the wrong thing to do- and I have expressed my concerns to the Housing Team at WCC about this decision. I like the […]

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While the Government ponders whether the CIL levy is working well enough to deliver the infrastructure that is needed with new development, the County Council is starting to receive significant sums- and needs to decide how it is going to spend it. It seems quite obvious- near where the money is collected- but sometimes, the […]

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WCC has announced the Publication of draft Traveller Development Plan for consultation From their website: Following completion of the options consultation in May, to which over 100 comments were received, the Council has considered the responses together with the accommodation needs assessment and initial site assessments, undertaken by Opinion Research Services (ORS) and Peter Brett […]

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Lib Dem Manifesto for General Election 2017

by Jackie Porter on 17 May, 2017

You can see our manifesto ‘at a glance’ on this link For a fuller description go to and choose ‘manifesto’

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Thanks for supporting me: I won the Itchen Valley Division seat with 55% of the vote.(3558 votes) With friends colleagues and a willing husband, the election is done, so the work begins again. Now I can get on with supporting you- THANK YOU! You can see the results in more detail on the website.. […]

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You can see some of what I do on this short film. If you have just two minutes, please have a look! Elections are only decided when you vote- just thinking about it isn’t enough! Lost your polling card? Just turn up, give your name and address! Don’t know where to go? Call us […]

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The Government is failing to reassure EU nationals over their future, says Tom Brake Commenting on reports that the Government are offering email alerts for EU nationals seeking information on their right to stay, Liberal Democrats Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Tom Brake, said: “If this is meant to reassure EU citizens who […]

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What do I do as your County Councillor?

by Jackie Porter on 24 April, 2017

Represent you of course! You can see more of why I want to be your councillor again on this mini video- it takes less than 2 minutes but gives you a flavour of my day to day work supporting you. What are my priorities for the future? Sustainability is at the heart of what […]

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On the 4th May, there are County Council Elections: I am standing to be your County Councillor in the local area (called the Itchen Valley Division but covering Candover and Dever valleys too) I have the energy, drive and determination to be your effective County Councillor.Local services matter and I hope that you will take […]

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This follows months of preparation and process: The Public Enquiry took place in the Autumn of 2016. The TFAG’s application for a village green on Top Field off Hookpit Farm Lane in Kings Worthy was rejected by the Inspector, and so the County Council followed her advice and refused the application. You can see more […]

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