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Archive for the ‘children’ Category

Pre School Education and Childcare starved of cash

by Jackie Porter on 30 January, 2019

I am Chairman of Trustees of a Community run pre school. It runs from a school site, but it is not part of the school. It is run by a charity, registered with Ofsted . The Pre-School Learning Alliance reassures us that we are not unique: our financial situation is mirrored by many other settings. The rate […]

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Tories look to U-turn on Free Schools Jackie says, ‘After a manifesto that promised the world,  voters should look carefully at their promise and the reality. Voters made their decisions based on the manifesto. The lib Dem manifesto was carefully costed, but it appears the Conservative manifesto was based on nothing at all.’ In response […]

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Scrapping free school lunches would waste over £3m spent upgrading kitchens in Hampshire Plans by Theresa May to axe free school lunches would waste the £3.055.m given by Government to be invested in Hampshire to upgrade school kitchens, according to the Liberal Democrats. It comes after figures revealed that over 34000 children in the county are set to lose out under the […]

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Walk to School Week May 15th to 19th

by Jackie Porter on 14 May, 2017

Are you walking to school this week? Will you do it for a week, then go back to old habits? Will you just do the walk on fine days? Or will you embrace the opportunity to share a few moments with your child(ren) on their way to and from school every day, whatever the weather? […]

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You can see some of what I do on this short film. If you have just two minutes, please have a look! Elections are only decided when you vote- just thinking about it isn’t enough! Lost your polling card? Just turn up, give your name and address! Don’t know where to go? Call us […]

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What do I do as your County Councillor?

by Jackie Porter on 24 April, 2017

Represent you of course! You can see more of why I want to be your councillor again on this mini video- it takes less than 2 minutes but gives you a flavour of my day to day work supporting you. What are my priorities for the future? Sustainability is at the heart of what […]

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On the 4th May, there are County Council Elections: I am standing to be your County Councillor in the local area (called the Itchen Valley Division but covering Candover and Dever valleys too) I have the energy, drive and determination to be your effective County Councillor.Local services matter and I hope that you will take […]

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A penny on tax for the NHS, as a temporary measure to help the funding crisis. Welcome to the EU citizens working in the NHS- we want you to stay please! Here is Norman Lamb’s speech from this Saturday’s health debate: We must lead the way. We condemn Theresa May for her refusal to guarantee […]

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If you have children, and work 16 or more hours every week, you will be interested in the new childcare support on offer from September 2017. The tax free system means that for every £8 you put into the system, the government gives £2, (to a maximum of £2000 per child in the account) so […]

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