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Archive for the ‘Planning’ Category

This response to the Stage 2 Consultation does not require the simple matter of an objection or support: the consultation invites response.  As the County Councillor for the division covering Sutton Scotney and nearby communities in the north of Winchester district, there are a number of points I wish to make and information I need to […]

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WCC has announced the Publication of draft Traveller Development Plan for consultation From their website: Following completion of the options consultation in May, to which over 100 comments were received, the Council has considered the responses together with the accommodation needs assessment and initial site assessments, undertaken by Opinion Research Services (ORS) and Peter Brett […]

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You can see some of what I do on this short film. If you have just two minutes, please have a look! Elections are only decided when you vote- just thinking about it isn’t enough! Lost your polling card? Just turn up, give your name and address! Don’t know where to go? Call us […]

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On the 4th May, there are County Council Elections: I am standing to be your County Councillor in the local area (called the Itchen Valley Division but covering Candover and Dever valleys too) I have the energy, drive and determination to be your effective County Councillor.Local services matter and I hope that you will take […]

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This follows months of preparation and process: The Public Enquiry took place in the Autumn of 2016. The TFAG’s application for a village green on Top Field off Hookpit Farm Lane in Kings Worthy was rejected by the Inspector, and so the County Council followed her advice and refused the application. You can see more […]

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We received news today that the Local Plan has been approved.You can read the full document from this link I am pleased that he took the comments from residents (and Councillors!) into account in part at least and the changes (in bold capitals) are as follows: MM17: (page 80, para 4.5.24) The Southern Part […]

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At Winchester station, Railway Authorities have created two double storey car parks with poor pedestrian access through them, and last week a crowd of us met at the west side of the station to protest at the ridiculous design of the footway. I walked through with Keith Hatter, a campaigner who uses a white stick […]

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Barton Farm Public Inquiry extended

by superadmin on 23 February, 2011

The Public Inquiry was well attended on the first day and I spoke on Friday 11th. The Public were angry that the County’s Highway objections had been apparently overcome and there was no objection on Highways grounds. They wanted to question the HCC oficer concerned. Phryn Dickens and I, both County Councillors for the area adjacent […]

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