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Archive for the ‘Exit from the EU’ Category

The notice to do the works on the A31 from Ladycroft to Percy Hobbs was very short. A lot of residents have contacted me, most angry, at the short notice as it affected their journey and their working day- as the ‘Brexit effect’ starts to bite here. Further to all of our queries regarding the […]

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A31 will be used as Brexit Lorry Park- work starts 4th March

by Jackie Porter on 28 February, 2019

The Brexit effect has started right here in the Itchen Valley Division. The Local Resilience Planning Team have identified port bound queues as a risk and as we grow ever closer to the 29th March deadline, the possibility of a No Deal exit from the EU  is growing. Work will start on the A31 on […]

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Responding to the Labour party split, Leader of the Liberal Democrats Vince Cable said: “It is not unexpected, or unwelcome, that a group of Labour MPs have decided to break away from Corbyn’s Labour; in part motivated by his refusal to follow the party’s policy on Brexit. “The Liberal Democrats are open to working with […]

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The only way is to go back to the people…. Diabetes UK and Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) have put out a joint press release on their concerns. They say: With just a matter of weeks between now and 29th March and, despite reaching out directly to the Department of Health and Social Care in […]

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On Saturday 9th of February, thousands people marched through Winchester to tell our MP that we wanted the country to have the final say on the Brexit deal- a People’s Vote. It was uplifting to see a much bigger crowd than we expected! The BBC report (including Sir Vince Cable’s quotes ) was  clear: there […]

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Cash-strapped councils asked to prepare for no deal is an insult to local services Responding to the letter from Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government calling for local authorities to prepare for a no deal Brexit, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Local Government Wera Hobhouse said: “Asking cash-strapped councils to prepare for a no deal when […]

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Is Michael Gove going back on his promises to farmers?

by Jackie Porter on 3 January, 2019

All Gove is offering farmers is uncertainty Responding to Michael Gove’s speech to the Oxford Farming Conference, Liberal Democrat MP Alistair Carmichael said:  “Mr Gove is still not listening to any experts while it is clear he has forgotten the assurances he and his cronies gave the farming community during the referendum. Farmers have certainly […]

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They work for you…

by Jackie Porter on 5 December, 2018

I recommend receiving a regular update from the service:  ‘They work for you’. It keeps you informed dispassionately and honestly about the views of your MP. This is an extract of today’s email, describing how our MP actually voted on the crucial day that Government was defeated three times:- (i.e. as Mrs May would like) […]

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Lib Dems: UK citizenship fee hike shockingly opportunistic Responding to the Conservative Government’s decision to increase citizenship renunciation fees, Liberal Democrat Brexit Spokesperson Tom Brake, said: “This Tory Government’s decision to hike fees to renounce UK citizenship is shockingly opportunistic. “For British citizens forced to abandon their citizenship because of Theresa May’s reckless Brexit, this […]

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Labour supports the Tories (again…)

by Jackie Porter on 12 December, 2017

Labour should be ashamed says Vince Cable After Labour failed to back a Liberal Democrat amendment which would hold open membership of the single market, Vince Cable accused Labour of driving through an extreme and damaging Brexit in cahoots with the Conservatives. Vince Cable said: “Labour let down British workers tonight. “This ends any pretence […]

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