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Archive for the ‘Itchen Valley’ Category

The notice to do the works on the A31 from Ladycroft to Percy Hobbs was very short. A lot of residents have contacted me, most angry, at the short notice as it affected their journey and their working day- as the ‘Brexit effect’ starts to bite here. Further to all of our queries regarding the […]

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A31 will be used as Brexit Lorry Park- work starts 4th March

by Jackie Porter on 28 February, 2019

The Brexit effect has started right here in the Itchen Valley Division. The Local Resilience Planning Team have identified port bound queues as a risk and as we grow ever closer to the 29th March deadline, the possibility of a No Deal exit from the EU  is growing. Work will start on the A31 on […]

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CAP Money Course by Churches Together in Alresford starting Wednesday 30th January Christians Against Poverty is a national organisation which gives practical help to people struggling with bills and debt. There’s a local course starting in Alresford, but I know several families who have been really helped by the organisation-so it’s worth seeking help if […]

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Is Michael Gove going back on his promises to farmers?

by Jackie Porter on 3 January, 2019

All Gove is offering farmers is uncertainty Responding to Michael Gove’s speech to the Oxford Farming Conference, Liberal Democrat MP Alistair Carmichael said:  “Mr Gove is still not listening to any experts while it is clear he has forgotten the assurances he and his cronies gave the farming community during the referendum. Farmers have certainly […]

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by Jackie Porter on 9 April, 2018

Ian Gordon has written this very thoughtful piece- it certainly rings bells with me! Are you like most of us fed up with the state of Hampshire’s Road network? …and the fact that they have fallen into disrepair ever since the Thatcher Government were in power? WHY? You ask; the answer is simple. Margaret Thatcher […]

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Although many of us have volunteered or led teams of volunteers in the past, we haven’t had a special TWW volunteer team- until now! On 14th February 2018, the Trustees got started on Bridgets Lane clearance with our new kit funded by the SDNPA. Some of our trustees are going on equipment use courses in […]

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There is a Facebook campaign to stop the renewal licence allowing Bakkavor (industrial salad washing plant) dumping their factory’s daily TRADE EFFLUENT containing a cocktail of powerful chlorinated chemicals into the head waters of the River Itchen. But I would like you to look at the application- and if like me, you object, please write […]

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M3 junction 9 proposals now online…

by Jackie Porter on 9 January, 2018

The M3 Junction 9 proposals are open for public consultation. Today, councillors were shown the first details… The timeline is Public consultation- until Feb 19th 2018 Planning application by mid 2019 Consultation of preferred route mid 2019 Govt confirm whether to give consent 2020 Construction will commence June 2021 New junction open Autumn 2023 You […]

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Happy New Year!

by Jackie Porter on 2 January, 2018

Happy New Year! I hope you had a good Christmas and that you have some good memories to share and sustain you through the cold dark nights ahead! But, we are at the start of a new year- hopefully with some productive resolutions- and it’s a good time to remember that we need to look […]

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Great news for St Mary’s at Itchen Stoke

by Jackie Porter on 22 December, 2017

I love this Church which is now managed by the Churches Conservation trust. A couple of weeks ago, I attended the Advent evensong-stunningly sung by St John’s Choir from Alresford. The sound is amazing. So I was pleased to hear that CCT had received a grant to restore the vandalised memorial.See their update below:- Good Tidings from […]

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