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Archive for the ‘Local Council’ Category

This response to the Stage 2 Consultation does not require the simple matter of an objection or support: the consultation invites response.  As the County Councillor for the division covering Sutton Scotney and nearby communities in the north of Winchester district, there are a number of points I wish to make and information I need to […]

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The notice to do the works on the A31 from Ladycroft to Percy Hobbs was very short. A lot of residents have contacted me, most angry, at the short notice as it affected their journey and their working day- as the ‘Brexit effect’ starts to bite here. Further to all of our queries regarding the […]

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There is a proposal to build an industrial incinerator/energy from waste plant at Barton Stacey. There is no planning application yet. As a National Infrastructure Project, it will be managed by the Govt Planning Inspectorate, but HCC will be a consultee. I understand it is likely to be proposed as an application late 2019/early 2020, […]

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The county have planned to put in an island at the Petrol Station- but I can’t get a written commitment to improve the drainage or create a path direct to the PO site. So- if this isn’t done- it just won’t be good enough. I have created a film of the problems. watch a crossing […]

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Cash-strapped councils asked to prepare for no deal is an insult to local services Responding to the letter from Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government calling for local authorities to prepare for a no deal Brexit, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Local Government Wera Hobhouse said: “Asking cash-strapped councils to prepare for a no deal when […]

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After a considerable amount of discussion about the size of the homes on this site, there has now been a sale of this site to a developer. In my mind, this was the wrong thing to do- and I have expressed my concerns to the Housing Team at WCC about this decision. I like the […]

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by Jackie Porter on 9 April, 2018

Ian Gordon has written this very thoughtful piece- it certainly rings bells with me! Are you like most of us fed up with the state of Hampshire’s Road network? …and the fact that they have fallen into disrepair ever since the Thatcher Government were in power? WHY? You ask; the answer is simple. Margaret Thatcher […]

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Happy New Year!

by Jackie Porter on 2 January, 2018

Happy New Year! I hope you had a good Christmas and that you have some good memories to share and sustain you through the cold dark nights ahead! But, we are at the start of a new year- hopefully with some productive resolutions- and it’s a good time to remember that we need to look […]

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While the Government ponders whether the CIL levy is working well enough to deliver the infrastructure that is needed with new development, the County Council is starting to receive significant sums- and needs to decide how it is going to spend it. It seems quite obvious- near where the money is collected- but sometimes, the […]

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Mark, one of the Winchester team members invited me to join them this morning- to watch their Walking Football game against Southampton. Southampton were victorious today but the real winners are each and every player who is gaining friends and fitness as their journey with Walking Football progresses. Contact me if you’d like more details […]

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