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Flood Alert received 4 March 24 for The Worthys, Easton, Chilland and other areas

by Jackie Porter on 5 March, 2024

A Flood Alert has been issued by the Environment Agency.

Flood Alert in force: Groundwater flooding in Littleton, Headbourne, Kings and Martyr Worthy, Easton and Chilland.

Flooding is possible for: Communities at risk of groundwater flooding in Littleton, Headbourne Worthy, Kings Worthy, Martyr Worthy, Easton and Chilland.

Be prepared.

At Harestock, the groundwater level is high and rising. In the last 4 weeks, 161mm of rain has been recorded in Harestock. This is nearly 3 times the normal amount of monthly average rainfall. In the last 24 hours, the groundwater level has risen by 25cm. Rising groundwater will begin to affect Springvale Road in Kings Worthy. From Thursday 07/03/2024, in Martyr Worthy, Chilland and Easton, drainage ditches and culverts may become full and less effective as natural flow paths are restricted. Some properties may be affected as water seeps up through floors. Footpaths near the river will also become inaccessible. From today (Monday 04/03/2024) to Wednesday 06/03/2024, lighter rain (between 10 and 25mm) is forecast in Hampshire. Thursday (07/03/2024) and Friday (08/03/2024) are expected to be dry. Groundwater levels are expected to begin stabilising before the end of this week. We continue to monitor the forecast. If you have pumps to help reduce water levels, please ensure that they can operate. This Flood Alert will be updated by 18:00 on Monday 11/03/2024.

To check the latest information for your area

* Visit the GOV.UK website to see the current flood warnings, view river and sea levels or check the 5-day flood risk forecast:

* Or call Floodline on 0345 988 1188 using quickdial code: 216006 .

* Follow @EnvAgency and #floodaware on Twitter.

* Tune into weather, news and travel bulletins on local television and radio.

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