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Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

There is a proposal to build an industrial incinerator/energy from waste plant at Barton Stacey. There is no planning application yet. As a National Infrastructure Project, it will be managed by the Govt Planning Inspectorate, but HCC will be a consultee. I understand it is likely to be proposed as an application late 2019/early 2020, […]

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The county have planned to put in an island at the Petrol Station- but I can’t get a written commitment to improve the drainage or create a path direct to the PO site. So- if this isn’t done- it just won’t be good enough. I have created a film of the problems. watch a crossing […]

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Can you get involved? Time to talk day: 7th February 2019

by Jackie Porter on 16 January, 2019   Employers are encouraged to talk informally with staff , and all of us with people we know on Time to Talk Day on the 7th February. It’s a chance to talk about things that re worrying you, your mental as well as physical health and check that the wellbeing of staff and friends […]

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A report published by The King’s Fund has shown that 61% of people support tax rises to increase NHS funding, an increase of 21% since 2014. Based on data from the British Social Attitudes Survey, the report ‘Does the public see tax rises as the answer to NHS funding pressures?’ also shows that 86% of […]

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What is an Accountable Care Organisation? An organisation which provides healthcare- but it is a private company, not part of the NHS. Many see it as back door privatisation. I certainly do. A group of 4 eminent health professionals, including our own local ex-chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr Graham Winyard, and joined by scientist […]

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would you like a cup of tea (or sex?) There is a lot of talk about revealing the sexual history of a complainant in ages of rape. Harriet Harman is suggesting that if the allegation is that Mr A raped him/her, then only the information about the victim’s relationship with Mr A should be revealed, […]

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Have you seen the 38 degrees petition- asking the NHS to make more money available to restore full operating levels this month? can sign this petition via this link Routine operations have been cancelled completely to allow the NHS to cope with the winter ‘crisis’ but this was an expected challenge for the NHS- […]

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Mark, one of the Winchester team members invited me to join them this morning- to watch their Walking Football game against Southampton. Southampton were victorious today but the real winners are each and every player who is gaining friends and fitness as their journey with Walking Football progresses. Contact me if you’d like more details […]

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Children’s Commissioner warns children feel they must attempt suicide to access mental health The Children’s Commissioner Anne Longfield today told the Health Select Committee that children she has spoken to feel they have to have attempted suicide before they can get mental health treatment. Responding, Liberal Democrat former Health Minister Norman Lamb commented: “Sadly, outrageous […]

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Drugs strategy without extra funding is doomed to fail The Liberal Democrats have said the Government’s new Drugs Strategy is “doomed to fail,” after ministers revealed no additional cash for treatment and rehabilitation will be provided. When asked whether additional funding would be provided, Home Office Minister Sarah Newton replied that the government was aiming […]

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