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Archive for the ‘Winchester’ Category

A31 will be used as Brexit Lorry Park- work starts 4th March

by Jackie Porter on 28 February, 2019

The Brexit effect has started right here in the Itchen Valley Division. The Local Resilience Planning Team have identified port bound queues as a risk and as we grow ever closer to the 29th March deadline, the possibility of a No Deal exit from the EU  is growing. Work will start on the A31 on […]

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The county have planned to put in an island at the Petrol Station- but I can’t get a written commitment to improve the drainage or create a path direct to the PO site. So- if this isn’t done- it just won’t be good enough. I have created a film of the problems. watch a crossing […]

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On Saturday 9th of February, thousands people marched through Winchester to tell our MP that we wanted the country to have the final say on the Brexit deal- a People’s Vote. It was uplifting to see a much bigger crowd than we expected! The BBC report (including Sir Vince Cable’s quotes ) was  clear: there […]

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Cash-strapped councils asked to prepare for no deal is an insult to local services Responding to the letter from Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government calling for local authorities to prepare for a no deal Brexit, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Local Government Wera Hobhouse said: “Asking cash-strapped councils to prepare for a no deal when […]

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Pre School Education and Childcare starved of cash

by Jackie Porter on 30 January, 2019

I am Chairman of Trustees of a Community run pre school. It runs from a school site, but it is not part of the school. It is run by a charity, registered with Ofsted . The Pre-School Learning Alliance reassures us that we are not unique: our financial situation is mirrored by many other settings. The rate […]

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Is Michael Gove going back on his promises to farmers?

by Jackie Porter on 3 January, 2019

All Gove is offering farmers is uncertainty Responding to Michael Gove’s speech to the Oxford Farming Conference, Liberal Democrat MP Alistair Carmichael said:  “Mr Gove is still not listening to any experts while it is clear he has forgotten the assurances he and his cronies gave the farming community during the referendum. Farmers have certainly […]

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They work for you…

by Jackie Porter on 5 December, 2018

I recommend receiving a regular update from the service:  ‘They work for you’. It keeps you informed dispassionately and honestly about the views of your MP. This is an extract of today’s email, describing how our MP actually voted on the crucial day that Government was defeated three times:- (i.e. as Mrs May would like) […]

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South Western Railways have sent out this press release: I’ll leave it as it is, as it tells the news, but in truth, the timetable improvements we hoped to see for Winchester’s passengers won’t be happening in December. Let’s hope the train comfort will be improved as they describe- this has been a long standing […]

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Have you seen the 38 degrees petition- asking the NHS to make more money available to restore full operating levels this month? can sign this petition via this link Routine operations have been cancelled completely to allow the NHS to cope with the winter ‘crisis’ but this was an expected challenge for the NHS- […]

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Today, 4th July 2017, Sgt Stuart Gilmour writes:- There is currently a huge traveller encampment at South Winchester Park & Ride (M3 Junction 11) which currently totals more than fifty vehicles with more vehicles having been arriving steadily for the past forty eight hours. I do not currently have details about when this group are […]

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