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Poverty is not a lack of character- it’s a lack of cash -a TED talk by Rutger Bregman

by Jackie Porter on 14 December, 2023

As we see yet more money poured into food banks by Government through local councils, and the industry and effort put into Food pantries by local volunteers, surely this TED talk becomes more and more relevant?

Thank you to everyone who plays their part in the distribution of charity to those who are hungry and probably cold too, but we must rethink this: is being cold and hungry-and maybe homeless- a lifestyle choice as cited by the Tories? Of course it isn’t!

Please watch and let me know if you have views about the Basic Income Guarantee. It’s the BIG idea we should all be working on if we are truly want to reduce the impact of poverty on our society.

Please watch for just 15 minutes. The efficient use of a TED talk to get over the principle that we could give the dignity of a Basic Income : Guaranteed.

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