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My response to the Alresford section of the Local Plan-(thanks to others who made useful contributions)

by Jackie Porter on 23 December, 2016

Alresford- amendments to A31 section in the document.
I refer to the Modifications to LPP2 and wish to make the following comments on Modification No. MM17.
I was surprised at the Inquiry, to hear the Inspector’s insistence on a roundabout on the A31 to achieve the four-way entry into the proposed 350 home/industrial site off Sun Lane adjacent to the A31.

Although we were not allowed to see the design (it was deemed commercially sensitive) on that day, the access from the A31 to this site is crucial. I do not believe the site is viable without the four way junction being created. Insisting the junction is a roundabout, even with the levels being as they are, would I believe put this site at risk.
I propose that the plan describes a four way junction serving east and west; not specifically a roundabout. Therefore the proposed fourth sentence of the modification which describes the new access with the Alresford Bypass is not satisfactory. In the interests of safety, minimizing delays to traffic on the bypass and reducing emission levels, the proposed junction should be built at a lower level than the bypass itself and incorporate connecting slip roads providing both eastward and westward access to and from the bypass. The language of the fourth sentence should be redrafted to reflect these design parameters.
I am concerned about the soundness of Modification MM17 . It is premature to pre-empt in a policy document what might happen to Whitehill Lane and its junction with Sun Lane before the Transport Assessment referred to in paragraph 4.5.23 has been approved and the final design of the new access to the Alresford Bypass determined, and so request that the second sentence of the proposed modification should be deleted altogether. 
Flooding mitigation: There have been incidences of dramatic flooding at the junction of Whitehill Lane and Sun Lane, seemingly caused by failure to address the non porous nature of the solar panel installation. Mitigation work /SUDS etc will needed to ensure this doesn’t happen in future when the potential site off Sun Lane is delivered.

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