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Plans to change the Cart and Horses junction

by Jackie Porter on 1 September, 2014

Plans for A33 and the Cart & Horses junction to be confirmed at a Decision Day on 9th You can see the background-and the proposal to spend over £100K here using developer contributions.

Why is this scheme important?
Over the years many residents on both sides of the A33 have complained about it. To get a sense of the issue we carried out a thorough ‘Worthys survey’. We received more replies than had been received for the Parish Plan!
The Lib Dem Focus Survey showed that it was a serious issue for many residents in the Worthys.

Jackie asks the County to look at the junctions on the A33 again
I asked for work to be commissioned to look again at the junction.You can see the original request here:

But it reached the top of the HCC’s workload-pile in Autumn 2012, not 2013 as it states in the paper!
As it explains in the paper, and I documented on this website, I met the officers in October 2012, and on site in December, to look at this with a view to improving the options for turning right, making it easier to cross the road and lowering through speeds.

Dramatic accidents thankfully, did not result in serious, life changing injuries, but emergency services have been called to this junction many times

Dramatic accidents thankfully, did not result in serious, life changing injuries, but emergency services have been called to this junction many times

Dramatic accident showed cost of a poorly designed junction
We were looking through the resultant plans with the Parish Council in the May 2013-exactly at the time of the first dramatic accident that needed emergency services to attend.
On that day we were hearing that there was not much money in the pot for this junction, even though we had been told that money was being accumulated towards improvements. I am pleased that there is now £63000 of developer contributions going into the scheme-which is as we had originally hoped.

It was that accident unfortunately that finally got everyone interested in the junction too. So from May 2013, the whole atmosphere changed.

Jackie very pleased to support the plans- but wants them to be ”the best they can be”
I am pleased to go to the meeting to support the principle of funding these improvements but am very keen to make sure it is money well spent and not just ‘window dressing’. This is probably the last chance before the Barton Farm development starts and before that traffic has an effect on the Worthys.

What are the proposals?
The proposals though go further than the A33/B3047 junction itself, but will also improve all three points on the site for pedestrians and cyclists too at the footpath to Martyr Worthy, the junction of the B3047 and the A33 and the Lovedon Lane junction, which historically, is actually, statistically more dangerous. The Cart and Horses junction will have a wider central reservation to give a longer waiting area for cars and the markings are changing so that sightlines will be greatly improved.
(I have asked for reassurance that this is actually the case)

A better junction with a wider central reservation, slower speeds and better sightlines
Officers rejected the possibility of a roundabout early on, but a local resident had an idea.
We persuaded HCC to meet Dan Conroy who talked through his ideas for the junction. Elements of his scheme are in the final design proposed in this scheme.

Lovedon Land junction slip road to be narrowed and a central reservation to help pedestrians
There will be a slower speed limit and the new layout at Lovedon Lane will stagger the crossing more- making it easier for pedestrians.

The footpath from St Mary’s Close will be better too-with a flatter central stepping off point and central reservation.I have asked for the area affected by the flood to be dealt with too. There will be a sign warning drivers of junction ahead.

The Lib Dem team look at new plans submitted to Jackie for the A33 junction

The Lib Dem team look at new plans submitted to Jackie for the A33 junction

How to see the plans
From my website entry earlier in August, you will know that I have asked for some changes to the plans-and KWPC will I am sure have something to say about them too.The plans will be available to view when we receive the amended plans-and before any work starts.

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