Liberal Democrat Councillor, Charity Trustee and Campaigner Learn more
There is now a dedicated website set up by Cala Homes
Forum starts 16th Jan 2013
This was the report that I posted last year- it looks so hopeful doesn’t it? But we know now that all has changed…
This is an extract from the letter I received by email then….
Inspector’s recommendation and summary of the decision
The Inspector recommended that the appeal be allowed and planning permission be granted subject to conditions. For the reasons given below, the Secretary of State disagrees with the Inspector’s conclusions and with her recommendation.
A copy of the Inspector’s report (IR) should be on the DCLG website today .
If you have not received a the report and would like one, please email me: for a copy.
Main reasons cited:
This is amazing news and puts pressure on us all to press on with the bottom up planning process started by the Lib Dems whilst in power at WCC. Their ‘blueprint’ process was a key part of the reason why the application was refused.
He also agreed with CABE’s comments about the re-routing of the Andover Road, and the high hurdle set to trigger development.
It is heartening to see that consistent Liberal Democrat Policy on this has brought about this result today
Congratulations to the SBFG- their hard work has been rewarded!
Now we have to find ways to alleviate the suffering of the 3000 people on the housing list who need affordable homes today- not at some distant point in the future: the fact is that Barton Farm would never have solved this problem.