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by Jackie Porter on 30 July, 2017
Fox comments show cabinet in ”state of civil war” says Cable
Liberal Democrat leader Vince Cable has said seized on remarks by Liam Fox that there is no cabinet consensus on the need for a three-year transitional deal, which contradict assurances from the Chancellor Philip Hammond that the cabinet is in agreement.
Leave a commentVince Cable said:
“Dr Fox’s comments, directly contradicting the chancellor over a transitional agreement on Brexit, show all the signs of a cabinet in a state of civil war.
“Earlier this week he clashed with Michael Gove over the terms of a trade deal with the USA when Gove argued quite sensibly for the need to maintain high environmental standards.
“The latest clash over freedom of movement in the proper transitional period reveals a deep, unbridgeable chasm between the Brexit fundamentalists and the pragmatists.
“Businesses which might have hoped that Phillip Hammond had pulled the government back from a commitment to a catastrophic cliff edge, crashing out of the EU, have been misled.
“There is no cabinet consensus for moderation. And the rumours of Boris Johnson being about to resign fuel the uncertainty.”
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