Liberal Democrat Councillor, Charity Trustee and Campaigner Learn more
by Jackie Porter on 11 June, 2023
This is my response to Mr Lawrence Finkle, Group Public Affairs Manager.
Dear Lawrence,
I am extremely disappointed that Lloyds Bank is proposing to close the Alresford branch in November.
The loss of banks on our high streets and in our market towns is very disappointing and can be distressing for our older residents. Just because we do not use so much cash doesn’t mean that we don’t need a bank with banking advice and guidance in our town.
In this, Alresford has a particularly old population who do not use smart phones and find online banking beyond their capabilities as their mental function deteriorates. This applies to those with mental health conditions and learning difficulties too.
Juggling different ways to transfer cash, handle a bank account or two can be very daunting without the help of a Bank employee, particularly if you are in distressing circumstances.
Setting up a new account presents difficulties too. Recently, I had to go into my bank to collect a debit card because there was fear of a security breach. Where will the nearest LLoyds bank be?
I’d like to ask you to reconsider this decision.
But if this decision is made, I’d like to know, so please could you describe in detail the ways in which you intend to ‘soften the blow’ for Alresford residents and businesses, particularly the elderly who may have funds lodged with Lloyds but fear they will not be able to access this without help from a more digitally able companion.
Although internet access is good in the High street in Alresford, there are many ‘ patches of poor connectivity’ and using a smart phone or computer isn’t easy with poor connectivity.
Finally, the use of cash at events like The Watercress Festival cannot be underestimated.
I myself took out over £100 on that day and spent it in cash during the course of the day, all with grateful traders who couldn’t connect to the internet because the town was so busy. There are other events that occur regularly where traders and purchasers benefit from access to the cash provided on your site 24 hours a day.
Will you be continuing to have a cash facility in Alresford? If not, how will you be contributing to the improved internet availability for the larger events in the Town and surrounding villages?
I look forward to hearing from you.
I will also copy this to my fellow Councillor who is lead Member for Inclusion and Engagement, Cllr Kathleen Becker.
Kind regards
Cllr Jackie Porter
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