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It happened so quickly! Updated news on the A31 works…

by Jackie Porter on 11 March, 2019

These are the plans in case of A NO DEAL BREXIT.
If not needed, road will operate as normal.

The notice to do the works on the A31 from Ladycroft to Percy Hobbs was very short.

A lot of residents have contacted me, most angry, at the short notice as it affected their journey and their working day- as the ‘Brexit effect’ starts to bite here.

Further to all of our queries regarding the A31 Brexit works, I asked the HCC team to provide more information.

Here it is, verbatim from the team managing the works:-

As promised, please see attached a plan of the contraflow proposals, should there be a requirement in the event of a NO DEAL BREXIT.
In addition, I can confirm the following;

*   The construction works at the Ladycroft roundabout have gone well, with the recent rain causing little delays. The current works will complete today, and the roundabout will be reopened so traffic no longer has to use the Bishops Sutton roundabout as a diversion. The final asphalt surfacing of this new crossover will be completed on the nights of Thursday 14th March and Fri 15th March (although Sat 16th March may also be needed looking at this week’s forecast), during which time we will have to resort back to the diversion, although this will only be at night, working between 20:00 – 06:00hrs.
*   Work has started today, Monday 11th March, near to the Percy Hobbs roundabout for the second crossover, it is envisaged that this work will take approx 9 days to complete with lane closures, finishing on the 21st Mar.

Once the above is completed the A31 will be fully reopened to traffic. Whilst fully open the speed limit will revert to the permanent 70mph. The crossovers once constructed will be closed off with barriers so they cannot be used.

As discussed, the proposals for the temporary holding of HGV’s on the A31 is still in the final planning stages, although the overall proposal is shown on the plan attached.

Should the contraflow be implemented then further correspondence will be issued by the Local Resilience Forum (LRF).

He continues…

I  have confirmed with our Streetworks team that the planned works in East Lane by BT will be postponed in the short term until further proposals and decisions are made regarding the A31 and Brexit.

Additional signs for diverted traffic and ‘No U-Turns’ were erected following our previous telephone conversation.

I think this covers the outstanding matters we discussed, if there is anything else, let me know and I will do my best to assist.


4 Responses

  1. C. Marsh says:

    Is traffic from Itchen Abbas able to cross on to the westbound carriageway both now and in the future? Many people use this road going south to Southampton (instead of having to go to Junction 9 and then the M3.

  2. sally cooper says:

    Thank you for your help with this Jackie and all your feedback.

  3. Pip Stevenson says:

    Will the A31 Eastbound carriageway when converted to 2 way traffic have a 50mph speed limit. Crossings such as Rodfield Lane and Orr’s meadow otherwise will be subject to 60mph (or in practice higher speeds) traffic that was used to 70mph plus on the dual carriageway .
    Written as an Ovington resident.

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