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Are you an EU national? Are you worried about your future in the UK?

by Jackie Porter on 25 April, 2017

The Government is failing to reassure EU nationals over their future, says Tom Brake

Bug hotel at Chelsea Show 2011

Bee habitat protection, women’s rights in the workplace, and importantly, the right for EU nationals to remain in the UK- all go back to the decision to the leave the EU

Commenting on reports that the Government are offering email alerts for EU nationals seeking information on their right to stay, Liberal Democrats Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Tom Brake, said:

“If this is meant to reassure EU citizens who have made Britain their home then it has completely failed. We all know that the Home Office is struggling to cope with the number of applications flooding in but the Government could easily cut the bureaucracy.

“The Government must overhaul and simplify the registration process for EU nationals.
An 85 page form is ludicrous – causing huge burdens for the applicants and the system.

“This Conservative Brexit Government’s refusal to guarantee EU nationals the right to stay, their refusal to guarantee a future for millions who contribute to our economy and society is very worrying for our newer friends and neighbours.

“The Liberal Democrats are the only real party of opposition and the only ones that are fighting a hard Brexit.”

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