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Smart ticketing scrapped: government too busy with Brexit?

by Jackie Porter on 20 April, 2017

commuting is expensive, but smart ticketing could have helped those working part time. Scrapping plans will affect the cost of living for commuters.

It was reported today that a government scheme to expand smart ticketing on busy rail lines has been scrapped after costs more than doubled
In response to these reports, Liberal Democrat Shadow Transport Secretary Jenny Randerson said:

“I have repeatedly pressed Ministers on this project and received evasive answers.

“This is just another symptom of the total lack of leadership at the Department for Transport.

“Clearly the daily convenience of passengers has been sacrificed because this Conservative Government only has time and money for Brexit.

“Other countries have smart ticketing systems, there is no technical reason why we cannot have one too.”

Jackie says: This is another empty promise: the manifesto promised to do something about an unfair system.
It’s been scrapped, blaming cost- but the cost is back on the commuter now!
I believe this is another reason why this Government is out of touch with modern working life.
Many people work part time from home, share jobs or go to different venues every day. This decision will affect the cost of living for the families that Mrs May has said she will help. This decision is absolutely no help at all.

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