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Cart and Horses- the verdict: it’s not the solution…

by Jackie Porter on 19 March, 2017

I have asked to speak at the ‘Cart and Horses’ Decision Meeting at 2pm on the 23rd March- will you be joining us there?
I suggest we meet at 1.45pm by the Hampshire Hog!

I would like to request to speak on March 23rd at your Decision Day.
I would like to speak on the following:-

Residents work together to show there is room for a roundabout here- no tweaks- just bite the bullet HCC and get it right please!

1. I welcome the fact that a paper has been prepared, and welcome the proposed reduction in limit to 40mph.
2. I request again that the small section of 60 on Lovedon Lane is also reduced to 40mph. With new housing, a park and lower limits either side, this makes sense, in fact, it does not make sense to retain 60mph there.
3. The no u-turn was requested in the original plans, but rejected, so this is an historical matter which I welcome, but believe the Police would not support in the first case.
4. I do not agree with a decision to consider ‘no right turn’ at this junction, because of
* the impact on the residents of Abbots Worthy who will see Park Lane used as a roundabout
* the impact on the rest of the Worthys as residents travel to Lovedon Lane to turn right instead: this is an unlit junction with an accident record of its own.
* the impact on Hyde Street and North Walls- with increased congestion and resultant decreasing air quality
* the impact of Kings Barton traffic-which will increase traffic in this direction,
* the impact of the re routing of Andover Road- particularly if the 20mph New Andover Road isn’t as successful as planners hope.
5. Having looked at the land surrounding this junction, and being aware of the route of the road before it was configured as it is now, I believe that there is scope to rethink the works here.
6. The cost could be great, but there is so much signage there now: it is a drivers’ nightmare challenge to read/note them all at once and see what is happening to the traffic!…
…but in the light of the changes to the M3 junction 9, allowing traffic to flow freely out of the northern entrance and exit to a growing Winchester is important- we must get it right.
The County has already spent money there. We must examine the reasons why accidents happen on this entrance to Winchester and the National Park and get it right, without yet more signs and red paint.

Please let me know if you have additional ideas:
Michael has suggested rumble strips- an excellent idea.
What about some lighting too?

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