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Local Plan Approved with important modifications agreed for Alresford

by Jackie Porter on 1 February, 2017

We received news today that the Local Plan has been approved.You can read the full document from this link

Flooding and traffic on Tichbourne Down. Jackie, Margot and Russell have all been vigilant on this. Recent visits with officers has resulted in redoing work to give residents reassurance about flooding measures.

Flooding and traffic on Tichbourne Down. Jackie, Margot and Russell have all been vigilant on this. Recent visits with officers has resulted in redoing work to give residents reassurance about flooding measures.

I am pleased that he took the comments from residents (and Councillors!) into account in part at least and the changes (in bold capitals) are as follows:

MM17: (page 80, para 4.5.24)
The Southern Part of the site is allocated primarily for employment use, but will also need to accommodate junction arrangements associated with the new access to the Alresford Bypass. These MAY include rearrangement of the existing junction of Whitehill lane and sun lane, with scope to reduce traffic on Whitehill Lane and create an attractive “green route’.
The new junction with Alresford Bypass will require careful design to balance highway requirements with the need to minimise the impacts on existing residents and the landscape. IT IS CURRENTLY EXPECTED THAT AN ALL-MOVES ROUNDABOUT WILL BEST MEET THE HIGHWAY AUTHORITY’S REQUIREMENTS, ALTHOUGH OTHER ARRANGEMENTS MAY ACHIEVE THIS. It should be provided as the first stage of the development, so as to enable the employment land to be serviced and made available in advance of the housing development.

MM18 refers to Sustainable Urban Drainage in ‘Other Infrastructure’ which is also relevant to this site, because it removes the words ”avoiding development in areas potential liable to flooding.”

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