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Chasing faster broadband for the last 4%: an unsatisfactory answer to my question from HCC leader.

by Jackie Porter on 5 December, 2016



“Regarding the current plans to deliver broadband to residents extending to Autumn 2018, what is the real future for the last 4% of residents for the universal offer of faster broadband?”


New Homes in Kings Barton will benefit from fibre to home broadband but there's still no hope for even Fast broadband for the last 4% of residents in rural areas.

New Homes in Kings Barton will benefit from fibre to home broadband but there’s still no hope for even Fast broadband for the last 4% of residents in rural areas.

Hampshire County Council is investing £12.95m to extend superfast broadband to approximately 100,000 premises that market forces have been unable to reach. In line with government targets the programme will reach 95% coverage by the end of 2017 and extend coverage to 96% by September 2018.

The pro-active marketing campaign that the County Council has undertaken has resulted in higher than expected take-up and as a result of this revenues will be returned to the Council which can be re-invested to extend coverage further. The County Council also expects to achieve savings from the delivery of Wave 1 which may also be re-invested to extend coverage beyond 96%.

In addition to this the County Council is proposing to set up a 50/50 match funding scheme to help communities in the last few percent of premises that are beyond the reach of this additional funding.

Government has proposed that the Universal Service Obligation, which will stipulate that premises should have access to a minimum speed of 10Mbps, will be placed on the telecommunications industry and will commence in 2020. Details of how this will be achieved have not been confirmed.

This answer is clearly unsatisfactory. I will keep pressing for better rural services-including faster broadband.

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