Liberal Democrat Councillor, Charity Trustee and Campaigner Learn more
by Jackie Porter on 3 May, 2016
However, over and over again, the Conservative run City council has failed local people when it comes to doing what’s best for our area-whether it’s the debacle of Silver Hill, a falling recycling rate, or local families being forced out of our area due to the lack of homes available to them.
Winchester needs a fresh start and fresh ideas. Winchester needs new leadership which will listen to local people and really work to make sure everyone has a home to call their own.
Fortunately, Winchester has that opportunity for new leadership this year, as the whole Council is up for election. This gives you the opportunity to VOTE FOR CHANGE and to tell the Tories that you want better.
Liberal Democrats offer a fresh start and a better way for Winchester. Please take a look here at our manifesto and vote for us on the 5th May.
For a Council that listens…
WE will champion real public participation and involvement as well as improving accountability and transparency.
We will encourage good jobs throughout the district, not just in the city
We are committed to delivering the best possible Silver Hill scheme for the residents of Winchester. We must have a bus terminus and social housing.
We want to ensure equal services throughout the district- our rural areas do not get enough attention.
We want to overhaul the planning process and give local people more say in decision making.
Winchester City council needs to work better. Currently the power in the Council is centred in the Cabinet. We want to look at moving to a committee system where power is shared amongst all councillors and all parties have a say.
for decent homes for everyone…
Housing is a key issue for local people who are being priced out of the market. There are too many family homes being sold to those who just want to make a quick profit.
We must be bolder in advocating more housing that addresses local needs in both the social and private sector.
We want to protect our social housing from the Tory’s attempts to sell it off. This includes selling off council homes to fund building elsewhere!
We will use Council land to build more (with high standards, environmentally friendly) council housing for local people with community support and affordable rents.
We will make sure that developers can no longer get out of their responsibilities to our communities. All developments must include affordable homes.
We want to improve maintenance in existing properties and invest more in car parking
We want to see an end to family homes being converted to student lets. The University must take responsibility for building housing for increased numbers of students.
for a green community…
Liberal Democrats believe environmental issues must be at the heart of the Council’s policies
Recycling rates in Winchester have fallen under the Tories in the last few years. We would introduce kerbside glass collection and food waste recycling to improve this
We must tackle air pollution in Winchester, by controlling delivery vehicles in the city at peak times
We want more done to collect litter from our streets and roadsides, and improve clearance of our drains and ditches
We will support solar roof projects, especially on public buildings and new developments
We will make it easier to walk and cycle in our district
We support the construction of a new leisure centre at Bar End. We want a modern facility with renewable energy built in and we will work with a variety of partners to achieve this.
Remember- we can only achieve this if you vote for us on the 5th May!Please call me direct if you have any queries: 01962 791054
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