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Last day for responses to SDNPA draft local plan- deadline 11.59pm on 28th October

by Jackie Porter on 28 October, 2015

Today is the last day for responses to the local district plan for the National Park.
So get onto and put in your submission today!

watercress way logoThe process isn’t easy, and the Draft Plan is very thoughtful and good- but it is worthwhile choosing at least one area where you have an interest, and making your views known.
I have supported:-
* Dark Night skies
* Public infrastructure to support a network of high quality environments for physically disabled people
* Superfast broadband- with the suggestion of a South Downs broadband network
* More affordable homes, including some to cover the hidden need as tied homes are sold off or rented out.
This includes the provision of affordable homes at lower densities with gardens, and the option of provision of bungalows for older people
* The declared aim to satisfy the European Water Frame directive for local rivers
* the declared infrastructure of the Watercress Way
* Renewable energy and zero energy homes.
* other items too numrous to mention here!

I have asked for the plan to support:-
* better local transport options with seven day provision
* clear plans to support and create a planning framework for businesses under 5 employees (88% of businesses employ fewer than 10 people)
* option of sub division of larger properties
* lowering the bureaucracy to make historic buildings more energy efficient
* supporting housing only if there are clear pedestrian links to facilities

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