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King Alfred’s role in the Magna Carta- King Alfred Weekend starting 22nd October 2015

by Jackie Porter on 5 October, 2015

St Bartholomew’s Church Hyde and Hyde900 King Alfred Weekend 2015.

The Hyde900 King Alfred Lecture 2015.

How far did Alfred the Great set the scene for Magna Carta?

lecture given by His Honour Judge Cutler CBE, Hon Recorder of Winchester.

St Bartholomew’s Church, Thursday 22nd October 7.30 pm. Doors open and drinks served from 6.30 pm.

Tickets £7, Hyde900 members £6, students free. Book online at, email, or call 01962 864487

The legal system is one of the pillars of modern England. It was developing during the time of King Alfred the Great along with the english language, armed forces and the emergence of urban organisation since Roman times.

The sealing of Magna Carta at Runnymede 800 years ago is recognised as an historic milestone in the foundation of the system which still underpins British society and those of many Commonwealth countries.

Keith Cutler was called to the bar in 1972 and was appointed a Judge in 1996. He has held a number of senior posts regionally, nationally and internationally and has been involved in high profile cases, notably as Coroner on the Inquest into the controversial killing of Mark Duggan by the Metropolitan Police in 2011.
[In 2010 he was appointed CBE for services to the Administration of Justice]

As well as being a senior Judge Keith Cutler has been interested in the history and development of English law for many years.

Friday 23rd October.

The story of Hyde Abbey Garden.

A rare opportunity to meet the designer of Hyde Abbey Garden, internationally renowned landscape designer Kim Wilkie, and hear the story of how the garden was conceived and realised over a decade ago.
Meet in the garden (at the east end of Aelswitha Terrace), 2.00 pm Friday October 23rd. No charge, but donations to Friends of Hyde Abbey Garden welcomed. Book online at, email, or call 01962 864487

More details of other events online

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