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Businesses, Charities and residents want to reverse the ”Closure of Barclays” decision

by Jackie Porter on 25 August, 2015

Barclays Bank in Alresford is planning to close at noon on the 6th November

Residents, businesses and charity groups join forces to protect the local pound as Barclays threatens to close its doors on the 6th November

Residents, businesses and charity groups join forces to protect the local pound as Barclays threatens to close its doors on the 6th November

Today we stood as a community to ask Barclays to reverse that decision. It will make life very difficult for treasurers of local societies,local businesses who deposit cheques and cash, and get change there, residents who use the banks because they don’t bank online, and those who need cash outside usual banking hours.

You can get involved by signing the petitions in the shops- including the butchers, hairdressers and fish and chips- or the Swan
And PLEASE write to the Chairman John Mc Farlane at the address below- telling him why you think it should remain open.

Please do it now!
It would be helpful if you could let me know your story so I can put the whole point of view forward to the Chairman, the CEO of personal and retail bankingand the director for Human Resources (in charge of bank personnel)

You can write to John McFarlane at their Head office
Barclays Bank PLC
1 Churchill Place
London, United Kingdom
E14 5HP

You can also write locally to Donna Hagan, the person who is managing the closure at Barclays Alresford
• Donna Hagan
• 2 East Street
• Alresford
• Hampshire
• SO24 9BU

If you have the time, you can also write to others ‘in power’ at Barclays Bank:-
The people to write to on Barclays’ Executive Committee are:
• John McFarlane (Executive Chairman, Barclays plc)
• Irene McDermott Brown (Group Human Resources Director
• Ashok Vaswani (Group Executive Chief, Retail (Personal & Business Banking)
• Sunil Chirayath (Chief executive, Barclays Corporate & Investment Banking)

Or add your letter to the press coverage in the Hampshire Chronicle or Alton Herald newspapers
Please copy anything you write to and me,
Thank you!

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