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Jackie receives updated A33 Plans

by Jackie Porter on 5 August, 2014

The Lib Dem team look at new plans submitted to Jackie for the A33 junction

Jackie reports back…
I have had the opportunity to discuss the proposals with the city councillors for the area and I have made the following comments (plus other details too complicated to describe without the diagrams here.. )
I will refer to the description of each plan for ease if you want to come back to me with queries. I will arrange for the plans (when amended) to be displayed for you to see asap..

Plan 002
This shows uncontrolled pedestrian crossings for the public footpath from St Mary’s Close to Abbots Worthy. As it starts the SDNP routes, it is popular..
There is still very poor drainage on the Kings Worthy side of this crossing. In winter, the puddle is huge and makes it difficult to cross. I discussed this with HCC Countryside Team again last week and we agreed that something could/should be done at the same time to address this.

Plan 005 Pedestrian and Bike crossing across the A33 at the main junction
This will be a wider path from the A33 across the grassy triangle, finishing at a new uncontrolled crossing on London Road.
I have asked to ensure the central reservation is wide enough to give a full car length in the central waiting area (incl a volvo estate for example)
I particularly like the uncontrolled crossing on London Road. This has been asked for by residents, but should not restrict parking unduly.

007 THe change in shape of the central reservation to give different priorities.
I agree it is a better design, but not fully agreed- because the residents say that when looking north as you are crossing the lanes, it is not the first car that obstructs the view of cars coming south, but other cars. I would like to test this please before giving final yes or no.

I like the more staggered junction at Lovedon Lane, and the principle has asupport amongst local residents, but I have outlined few practical points for the works..

Drawing of new surface on A33-Proposed new road markings Option 3
I am concerned that this will wear, look tatty and very soon, stop doing its job.
In the original Barton Farm roads documentation comparing Winchester to another site, it cites a similar development in Wolverhampton (penkridge I think) . I mention this because there, there is an example where the creation of rumble strips in different texture tarmac only are hard wearing, durable and don’t have light coloured surfaces between them. They are very effective.
Whatever is decided upon, and I am not keen on the urbanisation or maintenance needs that the coloured surface will create, surely it should be done for traffic coming from the north too?

Speed Limits Proposed 40mph speed limit. 008
On this page there are many excellent proposals, but I would like to go further.
Lovedon Lane- short section of 60 up to village should be 40 too.
Extend 40 north to the old railway bridge.
Add a VAD warning sign as has been suggested at the south?
As it has been the bone of contention for some time, can we not add in the reduction on the B3047 to 30mph from east of Mill Lane to the junction?
At the south of the diagram, the 40 should be equal across both carriageways, and encompass the crossing there over the road on the footpath.
HC/00988/009 Lit sign to warn drivers of junction
I think the sign will be useful- all who have seen this say they are excellent reminders. I have asked HCC to confirm the exact wording of the sign- it willbe more powerful if the wording is correct.
I am aiming to make these plans available for you to view asap. But it is important that this is done in conjunction with theParish Council. I will let you know dates/times asap.

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