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Schools in Hampshire don’t need to be selective-don’t waste your money on selection, Mrs May

by Jackie Porter on 15 March, 2017

50 years on- the class of ’66 when we went back to school.
We need a 21st century solution now!

With over 90% of schools in Hampshire judged as’Good’ or ‘Outstanding’, the pressure on school budgets because of stagnating funding, and increasing numbers of pupils, especially in the south; the need to spend £320million on a vanity project for Conservative Mums and Dads is unfounded.
Even the Head of Ofsted says that the selective schools don’t deliver better results- and now it puts Counties like Hampshire in a difficult position.

This money is supposedly to help cash strapped Counties build new schools. But they must either be Free schools (which have a different set of criteria) or Selective schools.

So imagine- you get the money to build a selective school…
who pays for the one that you’ll need next door for the children who don’t pass the 11plus?

Each school (maybe alongside each other) has to have a full range of facilities- or will it?
The cash strapped county might be tempted to cut corners- with possibly less facilities for the less academically able?
A well resourced secondary school will cost £35 million+
So, instead of building one, non selective school, the bill will be doubled- £70million!!
And with the teacher shortage, where do we find teaching staff for these schools? Disastrous.

We need well resourced schools (including well trained teaching staff) that deliver good and outstanding education, not selective schools for just a few.

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