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Planning for homes outside Winchester too: Sun Lane, Pitt Vale and Top Field

by Jackie Porter on 25 February, 2015

The Local Plan process is underway and there are meetings and exhibitions being held all over the area.

The Local Plan process is underway and there are meetings and exhibitions being held all over the area.

With 8000 extra school places being created in Hampshire in the next three years, we know these children will need homes by the 2030’s and these plans could help to provide the homes we need.
But there are conflicting views within communities and the exhibitions and discussions have often been fraught. Residents complain that the housing blights the green fields near their homes and that the infrastructure can’t cope, potentially causing flooding, too much traffic and difficulty getting an appointment at the Doctors’.

Barton Farm Forums look at the infrastructure behind the housing.
Tonight, the 25th Feb, there is the next in the series of Barton Farm Meetings. It is held at 6.30pm at The Guildhall.
The public are welcome to attend.

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